Explore Our Wines

A Wine for Every Palate and Price Point

Award-winning oregon wines

Our Wines

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Yes.  We do not use egg whites to fine our wines.

We have a large selection of sweet wines.  We understand, not everyone likes dry wines.

Absolutely!  We get Pinoted out too.  We get our Big Red Grapes from the Columbia Valley, in Easter Washington. Yum!

Once you swirl a wine, you will always swirl a wine. It’s a habit.  Swirling your wine exposes it to more oxygen, which opens the wine up to its full potential.

White wines should be served at 45 – 50 degrees. Red wines at 55-60 degrees.  Although personal preference is key.  

If you can’t finish the bottle of wine (which is a shame) then you can simply pop the cork back in or buy a fancy wine saver.  Usually, one or two days is it.  

The first major cause of wine-related headaches is tannins. Tannins are naturally occurring preservative compounds found in the seeds, stems and skins of grapes. They provide flavor and texture to big red wines such as Cabernet Sauvignon or Barolo. To see if you are susceptible to tannin headaches, try brewing a cup of black tea and let the tea steep for five to ten minutes. Since black tea is very high in tannins, this will help to identify whether or not you have tannin sensitivity. If you believe tannins are the culprit of your headaches, avoid high-tannin wines.

If you think back to your beginning days into drinking, most likely you started off with sweet whatever.  Most people start with sweet and work their way to drier wines. The people that can appreciate all wines types have better palates that those that only prefer dry whites or reds.

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“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”
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“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”
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